5 Tips on How You Can Make 6 Figures working only 25 Hours a Week

Fun Fact-

People need 8-15 touch points before they buy. 

Majority of Realtors/Solopreneurs aren’t consistent enough with their lead generation activities to hit this mark which causes them to fall flat on their goals

So why is consistency such an issue?

More than likely you are spending your time in areas of your business you don’t need to instead of focusing on the income producing activities. 

I’m going to walk you through step by step what you need to do, so you can clear the $10/ hour activities off your plate and focus on the areas of your business that bring in thousands!

Let’s get into it 👇

Step 1: Get Clear on Your Priorities

It's time to get crystal clear on your personal and professional priorities. Want a 6-figure lifestyle? Well, that starts with carving out time for your non-negotiable commitments. If you don’t make time for your priorities, something else will take its place.

Step 2: Craft Your CEO Daily Operating Flow

Say goodbye to chaos and hello to a well-oiled machine! Crafting a daily operating flow is your secret sauce to success. Establish a morning and weekly routine that aligns seamlessly with your business and life vision. 

Step 3: Embrace the Power of Productivity Tools

Welcome to the future, my friends – it's 2024, and we're swimming in a sea of tech options. No excuses for doing everything manually! Identify the hot mess zones in your business and set yourself up with the productivity tools needed to streamline. I've got a few personal favorites up my sleeve – happy to spill the beans if you interested 😉

Step 4: Delegate Like a BOSS

Newsflash – you don’t have to be a one-person army, and you shouldn't be. The year I tripled my business while cutting my work hours in half… that was the year I learned how to delegate like a BOSS! You don't need a full-time assistant or someone on salary; it’s about hiring strategically for the roles that make sense for your unique business. Trust me, it's a game-changer.

Step 5: Chart Your Six-Figure Roadmap

Now, here's the kicker – all the steps above are meaningless without a roadmap. It’s like getting in the car and driving without any idea where you’re going. Crafting a Six-Figure Roadmap means creating a business plan with clear, actionable steps aligned with your goals. No more morning confusion; just wake up, follow the plan, and watch those clients roll in. 

I’ll end it with this…

The reason most of you are working so many hours each week and feeling overwhelmed is because you’ve fallen into the trap of trying to juggle everything yourself. Between that and lacking clear systems, you are working hours every week that you just don’t need to! 

Only you can decide when it’s time to start living life differently. I’m here when you’re ready!


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