Working more Hours Is NOT How You Grow. (Here’s what you need to do instead…)

“I don’t understand how I can work less but increase my revenue?”

I get it. The concept seems almost unbelievable. 

As Realtors and Solopreneurs, there's a commonly held belief that in order to grow you have to increase your work hours. 

Here’s the reality check: You don't.

I've been there, feeling perpetually exhausted and overwhelmed, convinced that growth meant non-stop action. I piled more onto my plate, attempting to scale my business without a coherent strategy that aligned with my goals and personal life. 

It wasn’t until I decided to flip the script and start fresh that I realized I’d been running my business all wrong.

The pivotal change? I stopped being a solo player and began leveraging support.

It’s not just about “doing” but doing it RIGHT. 

The truth is, growth isn’t about working more or harder; it's about working smarter.

So instead of grinding yourself into the ground, consider these alternatives:

1. Create systems that simplify the back end of your business. This means streamlining your processes to eliminate unnecessary moving parts.

2. Turn 5 tasks into 1 task. Efficiency is key—consolidate tasks to maximize your productivity.

3. Set up automations to remove the manual labor. The more that you can accomplish without a human having to manually execute, the more freedom you create in your life!

4. Create your CEO daily operating flow so you can start operating more efficiently. This requires you to create a  schedule that aligns with your goals and lifestyle to ensure optimal productivity.

5. Delegate out your low-level tasks and only focus on strategy and relationships. Once you recognize the value of your time, it becomes a no-brainer to delegate tasks that don’t require your expertise.

Once I made some strategic changes in my business (and life) I was able to triple my income while cutting my working hours in half. I did this while planning my wedding, raising two young kids, traveling 5 times and buying a new house. 

Building a multi six-figure business may seem overwhelming because you're unsure where to start. You can transform your business and life this year, but it’s time to take a different approach. 

If you resonate with this shift in perspective and are eager to create your dream business and life… 

Book a FREE Strategy Session 

On our call I will help you to identify the gaps in your business and collaboratively create a plan for success! 


How I Went from Burnout to Creating a life of Freedom in 3 Simple Steps


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