Systems + Support  to feed your Entrepreneurial Mindset 

Having systems and support in your business are crucial to functioning at a high level.

When you Lack systems + support (both personally and professionally), this can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression and overall burnout. 

It’s important to evaluate what areas you are lacking support in so that you can make the necessary adjustments. 

**This was one of the first steps I took when making some big shifts in my life**

Take a look at your business, what areas do you NOT enjoy? Who can handle these tasks for you?

Before I made some big changes in how I operate, I found myself constantly spending time on tasks I either 1. HATED or 2. Weren’t the best use of my time.

If you find your days are filled with the same, consider hiring a virtual assistant to take care of your day to day administrative tasks that prevent you from focusing on your deep work. 

What does support at home look like for you?

Take a look at the areas where you feel overwhelmed or under supported. Make a list and communicate to your significant other/roommate where you would appreciate additional support. Work on coming up with a plan together or hire support if needed. 

Grocery delivery and a home cleaning service are great ways to lighten your load and save you time at home.

Your home life being out of wack will absolutely cause you serious stress in your business (and vise versa).

My husband and I came up with a system that works well for our family’s needs to ensure our priorities are handled without all the responsibility falling onto one person. Making this switch at home helped our marriage, our kids and how we show up professionally.

What are 5 Non-Negotiables in your life? 

The next crucial piece to map out is your personal non-negotiables. This can be your daily workout, your kids soccer games or anything else that is something you refuse to miss in your life.

Write down your top 5 (more is fine too) and put these on your calendar first. 

Part of being an entrepreneur is having to be intentional about how we spend our time. If we don’t put the non-negotiables on our calendar first, something will always find a way to replace it. 

Win the day 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the tasks we need to accomplish in the day. Oftentimes we end our day feeling like we weren’t as productive as we should have been which leads to feelings of frustration and doubt. 

Instead, pick 3 things you need to accomplish every day to “win the day”! 

As long as you accomplish those three things each day, you can end your day feeling like you WON! 

Write down these three items and hang it in a visible place in your office. This will serve as your daily reminder to take the pressure off and focus on the basics. 

Pro Tip: Know your limits. Your business should be in alignment with the season you are in. (If you can’t do something 5 days a week, do it 3x, or 2x or even just 1x and build yourself up as your life allows)

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Your mindset impacts your level of achievement. Entrepreneurs succeed like they do because they think, act, and view the world differently than most people. 

However, entrepreneurs also tend to have a grind mentality, which is why so many burn out and stop enjoying their business.

What are some Characteristics we find in Successful Entrepreneurs?

  1. They are innovative and pave their own way

  2. Take Responsibility and don’t blame others

  3. Operate out of an abundance mindset

  4. Goal/Growth Oriented with strategic plans to accomplish their goals.

  5. Aren’t afraid of Failure. Instead, they view it as an opportunity to learn + grow.

  6. Seek Feedback + Constructive Criticism so they can continue to improve.

  7. Focus on forward thinking. Successful entrepreneurs make decisions based on long term plays and avoid making emotional decisions.

  8. Engage in Collaborative Leadership. They see the value of working together to improve issues as they arise.

  9. They don’t let problems Linger. They create plans to solve problems in 2 weeks or less.

  10. Action Takers. Regardless of their motivation level, entrepreneurs get sh*t done!

Shifting our behavior in these key areas can feel challenging.

Start by writing down the areas you recognize you need to work on the most and focus on tackling one at a time.


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